Saturday, January 17, 2015

The New Generation at Colbun Energy Company

"Energy is Future". Colbun us a leading production and distribution company in the Chilean energy sector. The only 100% Chilean energy company began speaking to us in presentation form, but the dynamic organically became a question and answer format as students grew curios of the companies needs, future plans, and profitability. Although they have many locations throughout Chile they are currently developing many new plants to help meet the growing need for clean energy in the community. 
     Colbun currently produces hydro, thermal/coal, and liquefied natural gas energy. Although they want to begin producing solar energy in the northern dessert of Chile they have to first convince both the inside and outside community. There is currently a lot of negative propaganda in the media that prevents them from doing so. This was explained to us as American tourists who do not want to "ruin a good picture". However this solar resource may be necessary in order to meet the demand which is expected to increase over 80% by 2029.

     Opening up a solar power section of business would also be profitable for Colbun, and therefore beneficial to the Chilean economy. Already Colbun has a 100% profit margin on their hydro sector, the largest of them all. Coal, their second most prominent market has a 40% profit margin. These two numbers explain the 6.5 billion in Assets and 3.5 billion in equity on the businesses balance sheet. With a little support from the community, Colbun could tap into a natural, clean, and abundant resource that would produce  accessible energy for the growing community. Americans may have to take a back seat and allow Chileans to take care of themselves, creating a new "perfect picture" that includes meeting the needs of the community.

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