Monday, January 5, 2015

'Welcome to Argentina' Dinner

After going through our city tour, we hopped on the bus to our restaurant destination of Las Nazarenas. The theme had an elegant Argentinian display with plants sporadically placed, roasting of meat along a fire, and pictures of Argentinian greats along the wall. Going in you can tell that it’s a classy restaurant, but we were served to the highest class. We had an upstairs seating with a window view of the city and was fed a three-course meal.

We first had the usual salad and classic bread to serve us off as appetizers, like most classy restaurants do. But for the second meal came that’s when things got serious. We were served a prime steak, aka the best steak I’ve ever eaten. It was cooked to perfection, with a juicy and flavorful impact in your mouth with each bite you take. To be honest that steak made up for all the Salmo food I had to eat all semester. And to top it all off we were served with dessert of Argentinian ice cream and flan. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and to be honest I never felt so full in one meal. I guess I could call this a good way to end day one of our trip.                                                                                                    



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